Reclaim Your Wise Woman

Reconnect with nature's intelligence to find ease and grace in this wild ride called life.

Sacred Play as Soul Connection

Do you remember the last time you felt like "yourself"?

We all know when we are in flow and when we are out of sync.

Signs you are "in the flow": peace, creativity, synchronicity, able to settle and sort your day, you know your boundaries, trusting in the process, curious, open.

Signs you are "out of flow": irritable, stuck, frustrated, cognitive dissonance, pushing, blaming, depressed, confused, overwhelmed.

But how do you get back?

Sacred Play is a way Home.

What is it?
  • Dropping out of the linear world to step into a quantum framework of no time, no space.
  • Reorienting into yourself as a being standing between heaven and earth.
  • Opening to nature's rhythms.
  • Willingness to not know but to listen deeply to the mystery of life and dance with it.

Each course here is for you to explore the deep mystery of life as an "earthling."

You will learn how to shift your focus to natural energy movements in your body and how you can bring that into your daily life to enrich your personal experience.

Once you understand nature's principles, you can dance with them daily as knowledge and inspiration.

The embodied experience is learning how to feel the solar, lunar, and earthly energy as a part of you.

Once you feel it, you own it on a deep and cellular level. It is deeper than the mental "having it all figured out." 

This is the medicine for your Heart and Soul. It helps you know when you are connected and when you have drifted from yourself.

Come, settle, see what happens next.

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Hi, I'm Jennie

I've been playing with people professionally for over 20 years.

My background and training are in acupuncture, East-Asian herbal medicine, massage, yoga, lunar facilitation, aromatherapy, and AcuAroma Therapy.

I love holding space for smart, creative, overworked women to help them come home to themselves. I want you to have a medicine basket full of ways to dance with yourself no matter what life throws at you.

Other ways to play with me:

  • Virtual one-to-one sessions to help you personalize your Sacred Play.
  • Qigong and AcuAroma Therapy both online and live.
  • Acupuncture treatments in Yardley, PA.

For more information:

I do tarot readings by request. 

Please contact me directly through email or phone if you are interested.